Stage One

Damp or Leaky Wet Basement
Mold and Mildew
These are the beginning signs that you have a basement water problem. Many homeowners decide to use DIY methods to attempt to solve their problems, such as paint. Many times these “solutions” only make your water problem worse. They treat symptoms, not the true cause.
Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing can offer a variety of solutions depending on the type of issue that your home has. This is why we offer a free inspection service. Some of the products we may use for your particular problems could include but are not limited to: MidaSeal™, EZBreathe®, MidaScent™ and MidaAire™.
Call Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing today to schedule your free home inspection and find out the best solution for your home.
Stage Two

The soil in the mid-atlantic region is the most acidic soil in the country. As the water travels through the soil, the acid travels with it. The water brings the acidity into your foundation causing deterioration and long term damage.
If you have noticed a white powdery substance or hairline cracking, you should contact Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing for a free inspection to determine the extent of your damage. At this stage, we may be able to offer Midalizer™, our proprietary product for treating the acidity in your walls, and/or Carbon Fiber Crack Repair™. As your inspector his recommendation when he visits your home at no cost or obligation to you.
Stage Three

At this point, you know that you have a water problem. You can see it coming in during rain storms or there is constant standing water on the floor. This stage becomes dangerous, as the water can cause electrical shortages.
Water Management Systems
If you’re experiencing minor to severe flooding, Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing has the experience and knowledge to either waterproof or manage your particular problems. From designing water management systems, to full excavation or simple french drains, Mid-Atlantic has the expertise to tailor a solution to your specific problems that will give you the result that you’re looking for. Speak with one of our inspectors today to figure out what is right for the damage in your basement or crawl space.
Stage Four

Water problems are very progressive and aggressive. When they first begin they can move quickly through the process, leaving you with bowed and buckled walls, mud pouring in and a shifting home. This is obviously unsafe for your family to live in.
Mid-Atlantic has the expertise and experience to stabilizing your foundation all the way up to rebuilding it, if need be. We offer Fiber Force™, Fiber Stich™, IBeams, and piering products to give you the peace of mind that you’re looking for many more years of use out of your existing foundation.
Call IMMEDIATELY before it’s too late. Let us help you save your foundation. There is no cost or obligation for a highly trained inspector to come, look at your home’s structural damage, and tell you what your options are. You owe it to yourself to be educated.